The Power of 3

How 3 Week Blocks Can Transform Your Life

Are you sick and tired of:

  • Setting goals but never achieving them
  • Losing sleep over your dreams that seem to always be out of grasp
  • Desiring for change to happen but change never seems to come
  • Burning with a fire to go after your passion but feeling stuck and paralyzed without an action plan

If you said yes to any of the above statements, I double dog dare you to read this eBook! The Power of 3 is an action packed, no fluff, momentum starter, designed to ignite you on your path to transformation!


"The Power of Three is an inspiring and motivational read! It gets you excited about taking action in your life and setting goals you will achieve! To create positive change in your life-this is a must read!"

Jessica Hamilton
Influence & Mom of 4

"I found Kelley's book so insightful, encouraging and calibrating! The wisdom she shares - as well as her faith - are empowering to anyone in any season of life. I appreciate how she shares victories as well as hardships, and her deep desire to help others with what she has learned along the way really shines through"

Sandy Scheffler
Podcast Host of The Night Life

"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."

CEO / Founder
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The Power of 3How 3 Week Blocks Can Transform Your Life$47

You Will Have:

      Clarity in your identity, of who you are and who you want to become!

Powerful mindset shifts, igniting hope & belief!

Language creating the life narrative you burn for!

A clear and simple road map to transform your life from A to B!

Momentum launching you forward into action!

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Power of 3$47

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